connecting through clay 02 6241 1670

2024 Student | Teacher Exhibition


Canberra Potters


Opening & Awards Ceremony: 6pm Thurs 6 June

Exhibition Open: Thurs 6 June to Sun 7 July

Open hours

Tuesday to Saturday

2024 Award Winners

See this year’s award winners.

Important Dates:

10:30am-3:30pm Tues 28 May to Sat 1 June, or 11am-2:30pm Sun 2 June Entry forms due, and labelled entries to be delivered to Canberra Potters
6pm Thurs 6 June Awards Ceremony & Exhibition Opening. All Welcome!
6 June to 7 July Exhibition open 10-4pm Tues-Sat and 11-3pm Sun. Closed Mondays.
3-3:30pm Sun 7 July, or 10-4pm Mon 8 July Collection of unsold exhibits


Canberra Potters’ annual Student | Teacher Exhibition is an opportunity to celebrate the skills and creativity of the many students who attend classes at Canberra Potters. Designed to give students a welcoming environment to publicly display their work, participation is open to all students – adults and children – who have attended classes at Canberra Potters in the previous 12 months. Participation is free of charge.

Classes offered at Canberra Potters range from those suitable for beginners to experienced potters, and cover techniques such as handbuilding, wheelthrowing, decorating techniques, glazing and firing processes. Our strong, experienced team of teachers is invaluable in guiding students in their exploration of clay and creativity and we are fortunate to have a broad spectrum of teachers who are all excellent potters in their own right. Teachers’ work is exhibited alongside the student work. 

Award Details

Please note only student exhibits are considered for awards. Exhibits will be considered for all eligible awards.

Best Overall

Prize: $250 Cash Prize, sponsored by Chris Harford Tableware.

This prize is awarded to the overall best work in the exhibition.

Best Handbuilt 

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the best handbuilt entry.

Best Wheelthrown 

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the best wheelthrown entry.

Best Surface/Decoration 

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the entry with the most intriguing, engaging, technically proficient or unusual surface.

Best Children’s Entry, 12 & Over

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the best entry from a child aged 12 or older.

Best Children’s Entry, Under 12

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the best entry from a child aged under 12.

Encouragement Award

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded to the entry with the most promise. Keep working at it!

People’s Choice Award

Prize: $50 Canberra Potters Gift Voucher. Can be used to purchase clay, tools, firing or artist works through the Canberra Potters Shop or Gallery. Sponsored by Canberra Potters.

This prize is awarded at the conclusion of the exhibition to the entry with the most public votes. All visitors are welcome to cast one vote! Remember though, only student work is eligible!

Conditions of Entry

Please read the following conditions of entry before submitting your form:

2024 Student | Teacher Exhibition Conditions of Entry:

    1. All entries submitted must be the original work of the exhibitor, have been completed in the 12 months preceding the exhibition, must be primarily made of ceramic material(s) and must not have been exhibited in a previous Canberra Potters Student | Teacher Exhibition. Entrants must have completed a short course or term class at Canberra Potters in the preceding 12 months.
    2. Up to two entries may be submitted. Any group entry must be priced as a group, i.e. the components of the group may not be for individual sale.
    3. Entries are to be delivered to and collected from Canberra Potters Shop/Gallery, Aspinall Street, Watson on the days and times specified above. No late entries will be accepted.
    4. Teachers and students may have their work for sale if they wish, but this is not a requirement. If you want to sell your work and are unsure about pricing, your teacher may be able to offer some guidance.
    5. A commission of 30% of the retail price will be retained by Canberra Potters for all exhibits sold. Canberra Potters does not withhold or pay any taxes on behalf of the artist; the commission is based purely on 70% of the RRP. 
    6. Exhibitors who are registered for GST must include GST in their retail prices. The onus is on the artist to record and declare any GST to the ATO under their registered business or hobby entity.
    7. All exhibits MUST be identified with a small removable sticky label showing: your identifying code (e.g. the first four letters of your surname, or your surname if it’s short) with the item number (1 or 2, as listed on the entry form), the item title and price. Your price should include the 30% commission that the Canberra Potters will retain if an item is sold. Group entries should have every item in the series labelled e.g. 1.2, 1.2, 1.3. 
    8. Proceeds from sales will be paid to the artist in a single payment (less commission) as soon as practicable after the close of the exhibition.
    9. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into regarding the decision.
    10. All selected entries will remain on display for the duration of the exhibition.
    11. Exhibitors license Canberra Potters to photograph and film exhibits and use information supplied on the entry form for use in publicity material about the exhibition, future exhibitions, classes, Canberra Potters and Watson Arts Centre.
    12. Whilst every possible care will be taken with entries, no liability will be accepted by Canberra Potters for loss or damage to entries. Participants who wish to insure their work should make their own arrangements.
    13. Canberra Potters reserves the right to exclude work from the exhibition if the work is deemed unsuitable or for gallery display space constraints.
    14. If you have any questions about the exhibition, please ask your teacher or email the gallery manager at [email protected]

 Image: Michelle Ho, Barbie (Q), 2023 Student | Teacher Exhibition, Best Overall Winner

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1 Aspinall Street Watson
Canberra Australia.


General Enquiries
02 6241 1670
Class Enquiries
02 6241 7800