Stock With Us
Interested in stocking with us?
The Canberra Potters Shop stocks work from 40-50 artists. We strive to represent excellence in ceramics through the work we sell through our shop. As such, artists who stock with us are held to a high technical standard. They are chosen to ensure a diverse range of products for our customers.
Some things to note.
- All shop artists must be current members of Canberra Potters.
- The Expression of Interest form below is NOT an application form.
- Canberra Potters Management will monitor EOI submissions and will only contact artists they believe to be suitable for the Canberra Potters Shop customer base. Management reserves the right to accept or decline any artists for inclusion of work in the shop.
- Canberra Potters retains a 30% commission on all items sold and all work is held on consignment. (i.e., 30% of RRP to Canberra Potters, 70% of RRP to the artist)
Management assess EOI forms for the following:
- Suitability of work for Canberra Potters Shop market base. New artists’ work is assessed according to how it fits with the range of work currently in the shop, and if it contributes to the balance of what the Shop requires.
- Availability of display space in the Shop.
- Work is wholly made by the artist or, in the case of more than one maker, all are clearly identified.
- Glazes are the artists own.
- Originality of design, not copied or plagiarised.
Deliveries of work must be up to the following standard:
- Fit for purpose – for example teapots pour well etc.
- No cracks, chips, or firing faults (dunting or pinholing etc.)
- Well finished (bottoms sanded, finishing of glaze is well done etc.)
- Glaze well applied and fired to correct temperature.
- Potters mark or identifying mark on piece.
- Distribution of weight of clay consistent with functionality of work – for example teapots have good weight for pouring etc.
- The object must be stable when on a flat surface.
- Items intended for food and drink must have food safe glazes.
- Vessel appendages should be well considered.
- Strong enough to withstand consistent use.