connecting through clay 02 6241 1670

Term 2 2024 Pathways Thursday 4pm to 6pm – starts Thursday 2 May 2024



Thursday 2 May


 4.00pm to 6.00pm


 Abbey Jamieson & Maricelle Olivier


 Workshop One


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Prerequisite - This course is ideal for teenagers aged 14 to 18 who already have some experience in ceramics, have a strong interest in visual arts or are studying art at school and have a passion for ceramics. It's perfect for those considering future studies in the arts, developing an art portfolio or simply looking to expand their creative horizons and meet others with a shared interest.

Designed for young artists seeking to explore the world of ceramics and take their skills to the next level. In this nine-week program, young people will embark on a creative journey guided by experienced ceramic artists and teachers, Abbey Jamieson (Bach Visual Arts with Honours, Ceramics) and Maricelle Olivier (Masters Fine Art, Ceramics).

  1. Artistic Mentorship: Guidance and tuition from an experienced potter/artist to develop their unique interests and skills.
  2. Explore Advanced Techniques: Develop and refine ceramic techniques, from wheel-throwing to glaze application, hand building to surface decoration.
  3. Develop their Style: Discover and begin to develop a personal artistic style. Explore your unique voice in ceramics.
  4. Create a Portfolio: As part of the course, students can choose to create an art journal, showcasing their artistic journey and growth over the nine weeks. They will also learn the role of keeping an art journal to inform their practice.
  5. Express Through Personal Projects: Pursue their creative vision through personalised clay projects.
  6. Critique and Feedback: Receive regular critique sessions in a supportive and constructive environment, where students learn to give and receive feedback to enhance their work.
  7. Have fun and work with their peers: Create a network of others interested in ceramics and the arts.

Clay and firing are included. A pottery toolkit and journal are included for newly enrolled students.

Canberra Potters is committed to providing a safe environment for all our staff, members and students. We ask you to keep our community safe by following all safe protocols & signage while on site. All our teachers have WVVP clearance.


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For those who have completed the Introduction to Clay Course