Suitable for
- Financial members of Canberra Potters over 18 years of age
- Members who have completed a Workshop Health and Safety Orientation Session
- Members who would like access to a pottery workshop to pursue
their independent projects
- Access to member workshop, glaze room facilities and use of equipment for a three hour session
- Members must complete cleaning up and leave the premises promptly at the end of their booked session
- If you are unwell or have recently visited a COVID identified hotspot or are currently awaiting results of a COVID test please do not attend
- Workspaces and equipment must be cleaned as per our COVIDSafe protocols and requirements prior to departure
- Social distancing and maximum number requirements for rooms must be observed at all times (Check signs on doors for allowed number of people)
- Members work independently on their own projects. There is no teacher supervision provided in these sessions.
- Work can be dried on the shelving in the Members Workshop. Please note shelves are not for storage of work and use is limited to work in progress or drying. Works can be stored for up to two weeks, after which they may be discarded by Workshop Staff.
- All glazing and firing as per Canberra Potters current firing information.
- Clay & tools can be purchased at Canberra Potters Shop Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sunday 11am to 3pm. If you have booked an evening session please note that teachers are not available to take clay purchases. Ensure you have bought your clay prior to attending.
- Children and non-members are not permitted in the workshop
- Canberra Potters staff and management reserve the right to refuse access to any member not complying with COVID protocols or Canberra Potters policies and procedures.
- Sessions are not transferrable
- Please note, member's access sessions are not always available in between terms, please plan accordingly.
Intermediate. Demonstrated experience or completion of a term class at Canberra Potters and completion of the free annual Health & Safety sessions.
These sessions are held monthly and can be booked online.
We are proposing to open our Members Workshop as part of our Member Access Sessions (still running Thursdays and Fridays no change). Members Workshop is a separate space and has a capacity for 6 people at a time. The uses for the room will be specific to user bookings ie. 4 places available for Wheel Throwing and 2 spaces available for Hand Building making a total of 6 at any one session. Some sort of radio button will be necessary to select wheel or hand booking in this room.
- Monday to Friday at 10am, 1pm and 6pm
- Saturday 10am and 1pm
When booking the Members Workshop you will need to follow the usual Member Access Session booking, sign in and cleaning protocols. When using this space when a class is in progress we ask that you refrain from entering the teaching workshop. If you do need to access this workshop please seek permission from the attending teacher. Entry to the Members Workshop will be via the courtyard door and preferably not through the teaching workshop. Access to this room is made possible during teaching times and we ask that you finish your activities in adherence to class completion times. The attending teacher will be responsible for your health and safety while onsite and locking the room after use.