connecting through clay 02 6241 1670

Friday Night Supper Club

Ken Naki pottery

with Alistair Whyte

Alistair is a highly regarded Australian Master Ceramist and has been working as a potter for over 25 years. He is deeply inspired by the Japanese aesthetic and has spent many years studying and working in Japan learning fine porcelain techniques. Although not limited by any particular style, his training embodies both western and eastern influences, he makes a diverse range of ceramics in stoneware earthenware raku and by pit firing.
This talk (via Skype) will focus on his recent Pottery Development Project in South West Bay Malekula Island, Vanuatu. In support of the recent exhibition at Watson Arts Centre featuring the work of Keneki Naki. Alistair will discuss the project in detail and hopefully encourage our own members to participate in this inspiring and worthwhile initiative.

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