connecting through clay 02 6241 1670

Canberra Potters 2021 Members’ Exhibition


Canberra Potters


 11 November to 5 December 2021.

Closing Party: 2pm, 4 December 2021.


Tuesday to Saturday


View the 2021 Catalogue here.

2021 Award Winners

See our 2021 award winners now!

About the Exhibition

Closing Party: 2pm Saturday 4 December 2021. Speaker: Katrina Leske, Gallery and Visitor Services Manager, Canberra Potters. 


Canberra Potters is proud to present its annual Members’ Exhibition featuring some of the best work created by its members during the last twelve months.

The exhibition presents the inexhaustible breadth of ceramic arts through works using combinations of different clays, making, decorating and firing techniques to create works that are unique in form, texture and colour. Demonstrating the trends in contemporary ceramics practice, this is Canberra’s major ceramic show of the year.

An award pool of over $3000 is donated by our generous sponsors, with the premier award of the exhibition being the $1000 Doug Alexander Memorial Award.

The Doug Alexander Memorial Award:

Each year since 1990, Canberra Potters have given the Doug Alexander Award to an exceptional potter in our annual Members’ Exhibition. It is presented in celebration and honour of Doug Alexander who was the resident potter at Cuppacumbalong Arts and Craft Centre at Tharwa, from 1976 to 1981 – brought short by his untimely death.

Doug Alexander made a huge contribution to the development of functional ceramics in Australia and, when he moved to Canberra, Doug Alexander’s experience and knowledge gave a fillip to pottery in Canberra. This $1000 cash prize is proudly sponsored by Canberra Potters.
Information retrieved from Doug Alexander –  A Retrospective. 


2-6 November, 10.30am - 3.30pm 

Entries to be delivered to Canberra Potters with entry form and entry fee.

9-10 November

Selection of exhibits and installation

11 November to 5 December

Exhibition open 10am-4pm Tuesday to Saturday, 11am-3pm Sunday.

Saturday 4 December, 2pm

Official Closing Party

Sunday 5 December, 3-4pm and Monday 6 December, 10-4pm

Collection of unsold exhibits


All current Canberra Potters members are invited to submit work for the Canberra Potters 2021 Members’ Exhibition, so have a look on your shelves for something that might be suitable which you’ve created in the last 12 months!

- Exhibitors must be a current member of Canberra Potters
- Entries must be the original work of the exhibitor, have been completed in the 12 months preceding the exhibition, and must not have been exhibited in a previous Canberra Potters Annual Members’ Exhibition.
- A maximum of two entries may be submitted
- Entries must made of ceramic materials, with any non-ceramic components forming a minor part 
- Each application incurs a $25 participation fee, plus $5 for each entry (payable when work is delivered to Canberra Potters).  
- The gallery retains a 30% commission (inc. GST) on all entries for sale. 
- The exhibition is a selected exhibition and the judge has the right to reject any work for whatever reason. Other works may be excluded by Canberra Potters for space and/or display considerations.

*Canberra Potters adheres to CovidSAFE practices. Please note open hours and events are subject to change in line with current Covid-19 restrictions. Please check our website for details.

Sponsors and Partners

Thank you to all our generous sponsors:

The Australian Ceramics Association


Craft ACT

The Curatoreum

Gallery of Small Things

Hiroe and Cornel Swen

The family of the late Ian Hodgson

Keane Ceramics

Walker Ceramics 

Image: Steve Roper, Twirling Head2020. 2020 Doug Alexander Award Winner.

Graphic showing all partners of ACT Potters for 2019

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1 Aspinall Street Watson
Canberra Australia.


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02 6241 1670
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